Beaver Builder Standard vs Pro – Exploring the Differences and Features

The intent of someone searching for information on Beaver Builder Standard vs. Pro likely revolves around making an informed decision on choosing the right version for their WordPress website development needs. This person may be a website owner, developer, or designer looking to enhance the functionality and design of their site. Here are some specific intentions and additional things they might want or purchase based on this type of search:

1. Understanding Features and Limitations: Users are likely looking to understand the specific features and limitations of both Beaver Builder Standard and Pro. They want to know what each version offers in terms of design capabilities, modules, widgets, and customization options.

2. Comparing Pricing Structures: The searcher may be interested in understanding the pricing structures for Beaver Builder Standard and Pro versions. They want to assess the value proposition and whether upgrading to the Pro version justifies the additional cost based on their specific project requirements and budget.

3. Exploring User Experiences: Individuals may seek reviews and experiences from other users who have used both versions. Real-world examples of websites built with each version can provide valuable insights into the practical benefits and drawbacks, helping them make a more informed decision.

4. Considering Long-Term Scalability: Users might be looking for information on the long-term scalability of each version. They may want to know if upgrading to the Pro version provides additional features that can accommodate the growth and evolving needs of their website over time.

5. Trial and Testing Opportunities: Potential users may be interested in exploring trial versions or testing opportunities provided by Beaver Builder. They want to have hands-on experience with both versions before committing to a purchase, ensuring that the chosen version aligns with their workflow and preferences.

6. Additional WordPress Plugins and Themes: Based on their research, users might discover additional WordPress plugins or themes that complement Beaver Builder. This could include third-party integrations, extensions, or compatible themes that enhance the overall functionality and design options.

7. Ongoing Support and Updates: Individuals may be interested in the level of support and updates offered by Beaver Builder. This could include access to documentation, community forums, and information on how frequently the platform receives updates or introduces new features.

8. Alternative Page Builders: Some users might be open to exploring alternative page builders for WordPress. They may look for comparisons between Beaver Builder and other popular page builders, considering factors such as ease of use, features, and pricing.

In summary, the searcher intends to make an informed decision tailored to their specific website development needs, considering features, pricing, user experiences, long-term scalability, and potential additional tools or themes that complement Beaver Builder.

In the dynamic world of WordPress website development, choosing the right page builder is crucial for achieving seamless design and functionality. Beaver Builder has emerged as a popular choice, offering both Standard and Pro versions to cater to varying user needs. If you’re standing at the crossroads of these two options, this article is your guide to understanding the nuances, features, and considerations that will aid in making an informed decision.

Quick Tips:

1. Assess Your Project Requirements: Evaluate the specific needs of your website project, such as design complexity, desired features, and long-term scalability.

2. Consider Budget Constraints: Understand your budget constraints and weigh the additional features of the Pro version against the cost difference.

3. Explore Trial Versions: Take advantage of trial versions to get hands-on experience with both Standard and Pro, allowing you to make an informed decision based on your preferences.

Now, let’s delve into the comprehensive exploration of Beaver Builder Standard vs. Pro.

Beaver Builder Overview

Before we dive into the specifics, let’s take a moment to understand the role of Beaver Builder in the WordPress ecosystem. As a powerful page builder, Beaver Builder facilitates the creation of visually appealing and functional websites without the need for complex coding. It employs a user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, making website design accessible to users with varying technical expertise.

Importance of Page Builders for WordPress

Page builders play a crucial role in the WordPress ecosystem by providing users with the ability to create and customize layouts without delving into the intricacies of coding. Beaver Builder, in particular, has gained traction for its intuitive interface and robust feature set.

Introduction to Beaver Builder Versions

Beaver Builder offers two main versions: Standard and Pro. While the Standard version provides essential tools for building websites, the Pro version extends the capabilities with advanced features, catering to the needs of developers, designers, and website owners with specific requirements.

Beaver Builder Standard Features

The Standard version of Beaver Builder is a solid choice for users seeking fundamental website-building capabilities. Let’s explore the key features:

Basic Functionalities

The Standard version includes the core features necessary for creating attractive and functional websites:

1. Drag-and-Drop Editor: The intuitive drag-and-drop editor allows users to build and customize layouts effortlessly.

2. Pre-Built Templates: Standard provides access to a selection of pre-built templates, easing the website design process.

3. Mobile Responsiveness: Ensure a seamless user experience across devices with built-in mobile responsiveness.


However, it’s essential to note the limitations of the Standard version:

1. Restricted Modules and Widgets: Standard offers a limited set of modules and widgets compared to the Pro version.

2. Basic Styling Options: The styling options are more basic, limiting advanced design capabilities.

3. Lack of Advanced Design Features: Users seeking intricate design elements may find the Standard version lacking in advanced features.
Beaver Builder Pro Features

For users looking to elevate their website design and functionality, the Pro version of Beaver Builder introduces a range of advanced features:

Extended Functionalities

1. Advanced Modules and Widgets: Pro offers a broader selection of modules and widgets for enhanced functionality.

2. Theme Customization Options: Customize your website’s theme with more advanced options, providing greater flexibility.

3. A/B Testing Capabilities: Optimize your site’s performance with A/B testing features, allowing you to experiment with different layouts and elements.

Enhanced Design and Styling Features

1. Custom CSS: Pro users can leverage custom CSS for precise control over the website’s appearance and layout.

2. Additional Font and Color Options: Enjoy a wider range of font and color options, allowing for more sophisticated design choices.

3. Animation Effects: Add dynamic elements to your website with animation effects, enhancing the overall user experience.

Pricing Comparison

Understanding the pricing structures for Beaver Builder Standard and Pro is crucial for making an informed decision based on your budget and project requirements.

Overview of Pricing Structures

● Beaver Builder Standard: Priced at $99 per year, the Standard version provides essential features for budget-conscious users.

● Beaver Builder Pro: The Pro version comes with a higher price tag of $199 per year, offering advanced functionalities for users with specific design and functionality requirements.

Value Proposition of Upgrading to Pro

Consider the following factors when evaluating the value proposition of upgrading to the Pro version:

● Advanced Features: Assess whether the advanced features of the Pro version align with your website development needs.

● Long-Term Scalability: Pro may be a more sustainable option for websites with long-term growth and scalability requirements.

● A/B Testing: If A/B testing and advanced design options are critical to your project, the Pro version becomes a compelling choice.

Considerations for Different User Needs and Budgets

● Small Projects with Limited Budget: Standard may be sufficient for small projects with budget constraints.

● Complex Websites with Specific Requirements: Pro is ideal for complex websites or those with specific design and functionality requirements.

User Experiences and Reviews

Real-world experiences and reviews from users who have utilized both Standard and Pro versions provide valuable insights into the practical benefits and drawbacks.

Feedback from Users

● Standard Users: Users appreciate the simplicity and affordability of the Standard version for basic website building.

● Pro Users: Pro users highlight the advanced features, customization options, and increased flexibility for more complex projects.

Pros and Cons Based on User Experiences

● Pros of Standard: Affordable, user-friendly, suitable for basic projects.

● Cons of Standard: Limited advanced features, may not meet the requirements of complex projects.

● Pros of Pro: Advanced design and functionality, A/B testing, increased customization options.
● Cons of Pro: Higher cost, potentially overwhelming for beginners.

Choosing the Right Version

Now that we’ve explored the features, limitations, and user experiences of Beaver Builder Standard and Pro, let’s delve into the considerations for choosing the right version.

Factors to Consider

1. Project Requirements: Align the features of each version with the specific requirements of your project.

2. Budget Constraints: Consider your budget and evaluate whether the additional features of the Pro version justify the increased cost.

3. Long-Term Scalability: If your website requires long-term scalability, the Pro version’s advanced features may prove beneficial.


● For Small Projects with a Limited Budget: Beaver Builder Standard is a cost-effective choice for basic website building.
● For Complex Projects with Specific Requirements: Beaver Builder Pro offers the advanced features necessary for complex projects.

Table of Things to Purchase with Prices

Item Beaver Builder Standard Beaver Builder Pro
Beaver Builder Annual Subscription $99 $199
Premium WordPress Themes Varies Varies
Additional Beaver Builder Modules Limited options Expanded options
A/B Testing Tools Not available Included
Advanced Design and Styling Plugins Limited availability More options available
Custom CSS Plugins Basic functionality Enhanced capabilities


Note: Prices are subject to change, and additional costs may apply for third-party themes and plugins.

This comprehensive exploration of Beaver Builder Standard vs. Pro aims to guide you in making the right choice for your WordPress website development journey. Remember to assess your project needs, budget constraints, and long-term goals to determine the version that best aligns with your requirements.


In conclusion, the choice between Beaver Builder Standard and Pro depends on your unique project needs, budget constraints, and long-term goals. By understanding the key differences and features of each version, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your specific requirements.


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