Setting up LearnDash Membership: Groups, Reviews, and More

Setting up a membership system with LearnDash can significantly enhance your eLearning platform, offering you more personalized and structured access to your content. LearnDash, a powerful Learning Management System (LMS) for WordPress, provides various features such as courses, lessons, quizzes, certificates, and more. By integrating membership capabilities, you can create exclusive areas, offer special pricing, and establish a community around your educational content. Here’s how to set up a LearnDash membership, including using groups, managing reviews, and leveraging additional features to maximize your eLearning platform’s potential.

Step 1: Plan Your Membership Structure

Before diving into the technical setup, plan how to structure your membership system. Consider the following:

  • Membership Levels: Decide on the number of membership levels, such as Basic, Premium, and VIP. Each level can have different access rights, pricing, and duration.
  • Content Access: Determine which courses, lessons, or resources each membership level will have access to.
  • Pricing Model: Choose how members will pay for access. Options include one-time payments, recurring subscriptions, or free memberships.

Step 2: Install a Membership Plugin

While LearnDash excels at delivering educational content, integrating a dedicated membership plugin can provide the robust membership management capabilities you need. Popular options include MemberPress, Paid Memberships Pro, and Restrict Content Pro. These plugins work seamlessly with LearnDash, allowing you to restrict course access based on membership levels.

  • Installation: Choose a membership plugin that meets your requirements, install it on your WordPress site, and activate it.
  • Configuration: Set up your membership levels, pricing, and payment gateways within the plugin settings.

Step 3: Restrict LearnDash Content

With your membership plugin installed, you can start restricting access to your LearnDash courses and content:

  • Associate Courses with Membership Levels: Use the membership plugin’s interface to specify which LearnDash courses are available to each membership level.
  • Drip Content: Consider using the drip-feed feature to gradually release content to members, keeping them engaged and subscribed.

Step 4: Utilize LearnDash Groups

LearnDash Groups allow you to organize users, manage their progress, and assign group leaders. You can align groups with membership levels for easier management:

  • Create Groups: Create LearnDash groups corresponding to your membership levels, facilitating targeted communication and content distribution.
  • Assign Group Leaders: Appoint instructors or advanced students as group leaders to foster community and support group members.

Step 5: Encourage and Manage Reviews

Feedback is crucial for eLearning platforms. Encourage your members to leave reviews for courses they’ve completed:

  • Implement Review System: Use plugins or built-in LearnDash features to allow users to rate and review courses.
  • Moderate Reviews: Regularly check reviews for relevance and appropriateness, and use constructive feedback to improve your courses.

Step 6: Offer Certificates and Badges

Rewarding members for completing courses can boost engagement and satisfaction. Use LearnDash’s certificates and badges to acknowledge members’ achievements.

Step 7: Analyze and Adapt

Analyze membership engagement, course completion rates, and feedback regularly. Use these insights to adjust your membership offerings, content, and marketing strategies.


Setting up a membership system with LearnDash allows you to create a more structured, engaging, and profitable eLearning platform. By planning your membership model, integrating a membership plugin, and leveraging LearnDash’s powerful features, you can offer a compelling educational experience that encourages long-term engagement and community building among your learners. Remember, the key to a successful membership website is continuously adapting to your members’ needs and providing high-quality, valuable content.

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