Genesis Framework vs Underscores: Selecting the Best WordPress Theme Framework

When selecting the best WordPress theme framework for your project, it’s crucial to understand the differences between your options. The Genesis Framework and Underscores (_s) are two popular choices among developers and designers, each with unique advantages and intended use cases. This comparison will help you determine which framework best fits your needs.

Genesis Framework

Overview: Genesis Framework is a premium theme framework designed for WordPress that offers a secure and SEO-optimized foundation for building websites. It’s known for its clean and efficient code and for providing a wide range of child themes suited for various industries and purposes.

Key Features:

  • SEO Optimization: Built-in support for SEO best practices.
  • Security: Developed with a focus on WordPress security standards.
  • Performance: Lean and efficient code for fast loading times.
  • Updates and Support: Access to regular updates and professional help.
  • Customization: While customization is possible, it often requires a good understanding of PHP and Genesis-specific hooks and filters.
  • Community and Resources: A large community of developers and a wide range of child themes and plugins built explicitly for Genesis.

Pricing: Genesis Framework is a paid product with a one-time fee, including lifetime access to the framework, updates, and support.

Ideal For: Developers and website owners looking for a robust, secure framework with professional support and a strong community. It’s also great for those who prefer a ready-to-use child theme that they can customize.

Underscores (_s)

Overview: Underscores, or _s, is a starter theme for WordPress developed by Automattic, the company behind It’s intended as a starting point for developers to create their themes and is not meant to be used as a parent theme like Genesis.

Key Features:

  • Minimalist Design: A bare-bones theme designed to be built upon, avoiding unnecessary styling or scripts.
  • Clean, Well-Commented Code: Provides a solid, well-organized code base for developers to expand upon.
  • Flexibility: Since it’s a starter theme, it offers complete creative freedom without the constraints of predefined layouts or design elements.
  • Up-to-date Practices: Regularly updated to incorporate the latest WordPress coding standards and features.
  • Free and Open Source: Available for free, making it accessible to everyone.

Pricing: Underscores is entirely free to use.

Ideal For: Developers looking for a clean, minimal starting point to develop their custom themes from scratch. It’s particularly suitable for those who want complete control over the design and functionality of their site without the overhead of unwanted features.

Genesis Framework vs. Underscores: Making the Choice

Design and Development Process: Genesis offers a more structured approach with its child themes and framework, ideal for those who want a firm foundation with customization options. Underscores are best suited for developers who prefer To create a highly customized theme, starting with a blank sheet of paper.

Support and Community: Genesis provides professional support and has a large community of users and developers. While Underscores has community support, it’s more of a DIY option without official support channels.

Performance: Both frameworks are designed with performance in mind, but your site’s ultimate speed will depend on how you develop your theme with Underscores or customize a child theme in Genesis.

SEO and Security: Genesis has built-in SEO settings and is known for its focus on security. With Underscores, SEO and security depend on how the developer implements features and best practices in the custom theme.

Cost: Genesis requires a one-time purchase, while Underscores is free. Your choice might be influenced by budget constraints and the value you place on professional support and updates.


Your choice between Genesis Framework and Underscores depends on your specific needs, budget, and development skills. Genesis is ideal for those who prefer a premium, supported framework with a community and resources to lean on. Underscores suits developers looking for a bare-bones starting point to craft a unique theme from the ground up. There are merits to both of these options, and your choice should align with their project goals and how you like to work.


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