How to Install WordPress on Windows – Local Setup and Installation Steps

Installing WordPress locally on a Windows machine is an excellent way to experiment, develop, and test your website or blog before making it live online. This process involves setting up a local server environment on your computer. One of the most popular tools for this purpose is XAMPP, a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution. Here’s how to install WordPress on Windows using XAMPP:

Step 1: Download and Install XAMPP

  1. Download XAMPP: You can download the latest version of XAMPP for Windows from the Apache Friends website.
  2. Install XAMPP: Run the downloaded installer file. During installation, you may select which components to install. Ensure that Apache, MySQL, and PHP are chosen, as these are necessary for running WordPress.
  3. Launch XAMPP Control Panel: After installation, start the XAMPP Control Panel. You’ll use this to control your local server.

Step 2: Start Apache and MySQL

  1. Start the Servers: In the XAMPP Control Panel, click the Start buttons following Apache and MySQL. This will start your local server and database server, respectively.
  2. Check the Installation: Launch a web browser and go to http://localhost. If you see the XAMPP dashboard, your local server is running correctly.

Step 3: Download WordPress

  1. Download WordPress: The most recent version of WordPress is available for download from the official WordPress website.
  2. Extract WordPress: Extract the downloaded zip file. You’ll get a folder named WordPress.

Step 4: Create a Database for WordPress

  1. Access phpMyAdmin: Launch your browser and navigate to http://localhost/phpmyadmin, and you’ll see the phpMyAdmin interface, a tool for managing MySQL databases.
  2. Create a New Database: Enter the name of your WordPress database by clicking on the Databases tab. in the “Create database” field (e.g., wordpress_db), and click Create. Note the database name, as you’ll need it later.

Step 5: Install WordPress

  1. Move WordPress Files: Move the extracted WordPress folder to the htdocs directory within your XAMPP installation path (usually, C:\xampp\htdocs). You’ll be able to change the WordPress folder into anything you like. (e.g., my site) to access your local WordPress site by that name.
  2. Run WordPress Installation: Open your web browser and go to http://localhost/mysite (replace my site with whatever you named your WordPress folder). This will start the WordPress installation process.
  3. Setup Database Connection: You’ll be asked to provide your database details. Use the following settings:
    • Database Name: The name you chose for your database (e.g., wordpress_db)
    • Username: root
    • Password: Leave this field blank (default setting for XAMPP)
    • Database Host: localhost
    • Table Prefix: You can leave it as the default wp_ or change it for security reasons.
  1. Complete Installation: Follow the prompts to enter your site details, such as the site title, admin username, password, and email. Once completed, click Install WordPress.
  2. Log In to Your WordPress Dashboard: Upon installation, To log in to your WordPress dashboard, click here at http://localhost/mysite/wp-admin.

Additional Tips

  • Using Multiple WordPress Sites: To run multiple WordPress sites locally, create a separate folder within htdocs for each site and repeat the installation process.
  • Backing Up Your Site: Regularly back up your local WordPress site, especially before making significant changes.


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